Coen is 2!
Yup it's true … Coen turned 2 on Oct.30th! I can't believe 2 years have flown by already! Seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital! So we had a small, fun little monster themed birthday party for this special boy of ours.
Here's a few fun facts about our 2 year old:
-He loves all his stuffed animals, and in fact sleeps with all of them, but his Manny (stuffed bunny, used to be called Manu) is his best bud.
-He is still sleeping in his crib, and rarely wakes up at night. Our previous early riser has started sleeping until 7/8am, which is glorious (especially with a newborn in the house)
-He loves to color, play with "stickies" (stickers) "bubbies" (bubbles, or bubble guppies), "dungees" (Dinosaurs), cars, choo choo's, boats,
-Loves Manu, which is what he calls Toopie and Beanu, his favorite TV show
-Slightly obsessessed with the moon! He loves to look at the moon, and it's actually the easiest way for us to get him to go to bed (lets go look at the moon!)
-Can identify pretty much every letter of the alphabet. L is the only one he has trouble with
-Recently has developed the skill of being able to jump with both feet
-Loves to "bount" on the bed when he's given a chance
-Gives the best hugs
-Has the cutest pucker, sticking out his bottom lip
-He has a pretty advanced palate, and for the most part eats just about anything, including any ethnic foods (indian, thai, chinese)
-He loves Olives, broccoli, grapes, oranges, cheerios, peanut butter sandwiches, granola bars, and those pureed fruit squeeze packages are still a fav as well.
-He has dealt with the adjustment of becoming a big brother amazingly, we couldn't have asked for it to go much smoother.
-We have been told by numerous people that he is such a good boy, well natured, and a gentle soul.
We love you so much Coen, and can't wait to see what the next year brings ❤
Here are a few photos from the past year.