Saturday, February 28, 2015

Griffin - 6 months old

And just like that my baby is half a year old!!

So as of Feb. 20th, Griffin turned 6 months old, and he:

-Weighs 18lbs, 8oz. He is down from the 90th to 75th percentile for wt
-Is still in size 3 diapers and mostly 6-12 month clothes. 9month sleepers and a few 3-6 month outfits that I squeeze him into.
-Still is not a fan of nap time, unless of course he is in his car seat. He will nap in crib occasionally for 45min-1hr but for 2 hours in his car seat.
-Is up once a night, I totally jinxed myself by posting last month that he was sleeping through the night … Usually goes to bed around 7pm and is up between 3-5am, back down and up for the day around 7 or 8am.
-Has started on solids, he enjoys rice cereal and yams so far
-Loves putting anything and everything in his mouth, and particularly enjoys sucking his thumb
-LOVES his brother, and I love seeing the interactions they have together already
-also LOVES the dogs, he stares and smiles at them everytime they walk by
-Is sitting up with support, as well as standing with support
-Still doesn't quite get what he's supposed to do in the jolly jumper
-Makes some adorable sounds and recently has started making a soft sweet "dada" sound. I'm convinced that is just the easiest sound to make ;)

Friday, February 6, 2015

Sophia - 32 weeks

I had the pleasure of doing some photos for my cousin Jason and his gorgeous wife Sophia a couple weeks ago. This gorgeous couple is expecting their first baby in a little over a month. So excited to meet this little munchkin! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Griffin - 5 months old

Yet another month has passed by, so now I have to call him 5 months old!?

He continues to be a super chill little dude … except during nap time … he does not enjoy napping. As soon as I put him down in the crib the water works start and I just can't handle listening to his sad cries. He naps like a champ in his carseat though, happy as can be when we are out and about.
He weighs 18lbs, I just love his chub
He had his first Christmas, and I must say, Christmas is getting more fun every year
He, dare I say it … is sleeping through the night! To bed around 7pm, awake around 7am.
He is officially sleeping unswaddled, in a sleep sac
He is sleeping in his crib now
He is in size 3 diapers and mostly 6-12 month clothes (9 month sleepers), most 3-6 month clothes are too small!
He can sit with support
He can stand with support
He has rolled from his belly to his back … once

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