Miss Mya - 1 year cake smash {Edmonton baby photographer}

Posted by Tammy at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: 1 year, 1 year old, babies, cake smash
It doesn't seem fair that another month has passed. February is too short of a month so I feel like i'm not ready to call Coen 4 months old yet. But I suppose there's not a whole lot I can do about it ... he's 4 months old! Sooooo as of his 4th month:
- He weighs 15lbs and is 24.25 in long
- He slept 10 hours!! But only for 3 nights, most other nights ranged from 5-6 hours, which I suppose I can't complain about. He actually slept 12 hours 1 night, but that was the night after he had his 4 month immunizations so I don't think it counts :)
- He loves the sound of his voice, as do I
- He has developed what I call his "crazy cry", no more soft little newborn cry ... it's slightly louder and shrieky at times
- He has way more head control, much less of a bobble head these days
- He seems pretty close to rolling over from back to tummy, he gets soooo close
- His 3 month clothes are all of a sudden way too small ... we have moved on to 3-6 month outfits!
- He has moved on to size 2 diapers
- He is a drool machine and has been trying desperately to fit his entire fist in his mouth, he occasionally will just suck on his index and middle finger instead of the entire fist
- He loves grabbing his toys on his playmat
- He goes to bed at 6-7pm
- He is officially sleeping in his own room now at night
Posted by Tammy at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: babies, baby, coen, edmonton baby photographer, First year of photos, Misc, monthly update, personal, tammy
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