Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
I say this every month, but I can't believe that March has come and gone already and Coen is 5 months old! It's finally spring, although there's still way too much snow outside. Bring on the puddles and melting, i'm ready for spring!
So at 5 months:
- He weighs 15lbs 8oz
- He has only been waking once in the night to feed, and usually that is after 8-10 hours of solid sleep
- He goes to bed at 6pm, which gives us all evening to get things done, although makes it difficult to go out for dinner with the little guy
- He is still a cat napper (30-45min), although on a few rare occasions he has shocked me with a 1.5-2hr nap
- He is officially sleeping unswaddled, in a sleep sac now
- He has increased his sound vocabulary, and especially likes to make grunting noises right now
- He can sit up perfectly ... with support
- He loves to stand up with support as well
- He loves bouncing in his jolly jumper, but is still too short for his exersaucer
- He is still in 3-6 month outfits and size 2 diapers
- He now grabs at toys and especially likes to grab plastic loops and try to put them in his mouth
- He constantly has something in his mouth, usually his fist or fingers, but if there is a toy near by he will always try that as well.
Posted by Tammy at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: babies, baby, coen, edmonton baby photographer, First year of photos, Misc, monthly update, personal, tammy