Griffin is 18 months
So I officially have a toddler and preschooler now. What happened to my babies!?
So as of 18 months he:
- Can WALK! He started walking at 16months, actually it was officially on new years day that he decided to feel confident strolling around on his own.
- Uses a fork and spoon quite well (able to poke food with the fork and get it into his mouth)
- Is down to 1 nap/day
- Sleeps from 6:30/7pm-6/7am
- Nods and shakes his head
- Says Mama, dada, more, coco (Bosco), ball, bye, up, milk, no, shoe, sock, hello,
- crawls up and down the stairs
- Waves
- Gets into everything and gets mad if things get taken away from him
- Does the most adorable and amazing snuggle by nuzzling his head up against us
- Loves playing with Coen
- Loves playing with balls, ballons, duplo, dinosaurs, cars, pushing the shopping cart, lounging
on the beanbag
-Loves hugging and hitting the dogs, we are working on teaching him to be gentle. Anytime we say be gentle he gives them a hug, it is seriously too cute.
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