Coen is 3.5
Coen is 3.5 and he feels like such a big boy to me now. All of a sudden I can talk to him and he fully understands everything I am saying and can respond appropriately back to me in full sentences (or talk back to me with stank)! It amazes me with every milestone how fast time is flying by and how lucky we are to have such an amazing little boy.
He is obsessed with dinosaurs right now, and recently ninja turtles have become a new favorite, along with spiderman and batman. He loves to play pretend these days, which is so much fun to watch, but he seems to get embarrased now if he knows we are watching him, so we have to do it on the sly. He prefers walking now rather than sitting in the shopping cart, or riding on the side or sitting in the part of the cart where the groceries go.
He loves building with duplo, doing puzzles, playing hungry hippos, coloring, playing playdough, helping me bake, playing with dinosaurs, bouncy castles, going to the library (he always says we have to "caturn the books") going to the park, riding his bike, and walking the dogs.
We put him in gymnastics over the winter and he loved it. It was his first unparented class, and he was nervous on the 1st day, but rocked all the other classes. We will likely start it up again in the fall. He is now back in swimming (paul saddler and kinsmen), which he seems to be warming up to again (didn't enjoy the first class at kinsmen much as he went under the water and wasn't prepared for that. and soccer starts next week, which I am soooo excited about.
He loves eating mac and cheese, hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken cashew, "chicken fish", ravioli, spaghetti/pasta, meatballs, cereal (cheerios/shreddies/cornflakes/rice crisps).
He is still my gentle and sensitive little guy, which I absolutely love about him. The crying tantrums get a little old sometimes, but overall he is a pretty darned good little boy. Recently he seems to have trouble dealing with Griffin taking things away from him, he gets beaten up by his little brother on a regular basis. He knows when to say sorry now and says it in the sweetest voice if he knows he has done something wrong.
He continues to be obsessed with what he wears ... to the point where I just let him pick his clothes now because it's just not worth the hassel.
Sleep is better, he goes to bed no problem at 7pm (on non daycare days because he doesn't nap), closer to 8/9 on daycare days lately. He is up some nights to pee, but he now often says mommy i'm not gonna knock on your door (even though he usually does). Mainly goes on the toilet now, not really using the potty anymore.
Favorite movies/shows now are land before time, the good dinosaur, toy story, cars, ninja turtles, spiderman, blaze and the monster machines, jake and the neverland pirates.
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