Thursday, June 11, 2015

Griffin - 9 months old

9 months old! Griffin is 9 months old people! Can someone please tell him to slow down!

So at 9 months:

-he weighs 21 lbs
-has graduated to sitting in the shopping cart, which makes life MUCH easier
-also sits like a champ in our new chariot and even naps occasionally in it while mama is running
-I still use the bucket seat sometimes with the other stroller, more just because i've been too lazy to lug out the second seat.
-has finally started rolling around a bit more, back to belly is a piece of cake, belly to back still takes some effort
-also finally has figured out the jolly jumper is a joyous thing to be in, he also is so content in the exersaucer
-goes to bed around 6-6:30 and wakes most days around 5am, will usually nurse and go back to sleep until 6/7/8 (basically whenever Coen wakes him up)
-has developed a nap routine, usually a morning nap for 1-2 hours, and again in the afternoon for 1-2 hours. He just became so easy, put him down happy and awake and he just goes to sleep, no crying or fussing at all.
-is such a good eater, still has yet to refuse anything. Just not terribly coordinated with getting finger foods in his mouth yet
- reaches for everything and anything
- started shaking his head from side to side (first step in saying no)
- enjoys mum mums and puffs when he can get them in his mouth
- a bit shy around strangers lately


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