Saturday, January 14, 2017
Monday, August 22, 2016
Griffin is 2!
Griffin is 2!
As of 2 years old Griffin's little personality is really starting to show itself. He is one independent little guy, and prefers to do most things himself.
So here is what's new with Griffin at 2 years old:
- He has an ever expanding vocabulary, mommy, "nanny"=Daddy, recently started saying Coen and Iffin (Griffin), "motter"= Water, Milk, no, car, Abu (any grandma aged woman), good morning, hi, bye,
- He loves torturing the dogs or "gago" as he calls them and any other dog he sees. He especially loves feeding Titus cheerios
- He loves his "babies" the white and black dog and blue dinosaur and recently his little grey dog also needs to be with him.
- Has no fear, and climbs up on everything including the counter stools, tables, beds, etc.
- Loves anything to do with water, the water table, washing his hands, baths
- Gives the sweetest hugs and kisses and says "mmmmuah" when i ask for a kiss
- Has been the easiest kid to put to bed until a couple months ago when he started crying everytime he was put down. Usually only cries for a few minutes before settling, but also had a phase of only wanting his Dad to put him to bed. Goes to bed around 7pm and is up around 6:30am most days.
- He also recently has been fighting his naps, but we have figured out that he doesn't want to miss out on all the fun so if he see's Coen going into his room at the same time then he will have a good 2 hour nap. Is this bad that i'm tricking him and using his brother as my accomplis? :)
- He can point out most of his body parts
- Loves playing with his brother, cars on the track, coloring, duplo, play dough, running, playing in sand, bubbles, books, trains,
- Refuses to go in a booster or high chair and is becoming a bit more picky with food. It gets a bit tricky because he insists on feeding himself, which makes things ever so messy. Favorites right now are fruit, hamburgers, cheerios, yogurt, smoothies, yams, crackers.
So excited to watch this little man grow up, he continues to be a super chill guy for the most part, with the odd tantrum here and there, but he's 2 now so I use that as an excuse for him :) We love you so much Griffin!

Posted by Tammy at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2 years old, Griffin, personal, tammy
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Coen is 3.5
Coen is 3.5 and he feels like such a big boy to me now. All of a sudden I can talk to him and he fully understands everything I am saying and can respond appropriately back to me in full sentences (or talk back to me with stank)! It amazes me with every milestone how fast time is flying by and how lucky we are to have such an amazing little boy.
He is obsessed with dinosaurs right now, and recently ninja turtles have become a new favorite, along with spiderman and batman. He loves to play pretend these days, which is so much fun to watch, but he seems to get embarrased now if he knows we are watching him, so we have to do it on the sly. He prefers walking now rather than sitting in the shopping cart, or riding on the side or sitting in the part of the cart where the groceries go.
He loves building with duplo, doing puzzles, playing hungry hippos, coloring, playing playdough, helping me bake, playing with dinosaurs, bouncy castles, going to the library (he always says we have to "caturn the books") going to the park, riding his bike, and walking the dogs.
We put him in gymnastics over the winter and he loved it. It was his first unparented class, and he was nervous on the 1st day, but rocked all the other classes. We will likely start it up again in the fall. He is now back in swimming (paul saddler and kinsmen), which he seems to be warming up to again (didn't enjoy the first class at kinsmen much as he went under the water and wasn't prepared for that. and soccer starts next week, which I am soooo excited about.
He loves eating mac and cheese, hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken cashew, "chicken fish", ravioli, spaghetti/pasta, meatballs, cereal (cheerios/shreddies/cornflakes/rice crisps).
He is still my gentle and sensitive little guy, which I absolutely love about him. The crying tantrums get a little old sometimes, but overall he is a pretty darned good little boy. Recently he seems to have trouble dealing with Griffin taking things away from him, he gets beaten up by his little brother on a regular basis. He knows when to say sorry now and says it in the sweetest voice if he knows he has done something wrong.
He continues to be obsessed with what he wears ... to the point where I just let him pick his clothes now because it's just not worth the hassel.
Sleep is better, he goes to bed no problem at 7pm (on non daycare days because he doesn't nap), closer to 8/9 on daycare days lately. He is up some nights to pee, but he now often says mommy i'm not gonna knock on your door (even though he usually does). Mainly goes on the toilet now, not really using the potty anymore.
Favorite movies/shows now are land before time, the good dinosaur, toy story, cars, ninja turtles, spiderman, blaze and the monster machines, jake and the neverland pirates.
Posted by Tammy at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: coen, Misc, monthly update, personal, tammy
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Benjamin - 3 weeks old
Posted by Tammy at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: edmonton newborn photographer, family, lifestyle, natural light, Newborn, Newborns
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Griffin is 18 months
So I officially have a toddler and preschooler now. What happened to my babies!?
So as of 18 months he:
- Can WALK! He started walking at 16months, actually it was officially on new years day that he decided to feel confident strolling around on his own.
- Uses a fork and spoon quite well (able to poke food with the fork and get it into his mouth)
- Is down to 1 nap/day
- Sleeps from 6:30/7pm-6/7am
- Nods and shakes his head
- Says Mama, dada, more, coco (Bosco), ball, bye, up, milk, no, shoe, sock, hello,
- crawls up and down the stairs
- Waves
- Gets into everything and gets mad if things get taken away from him
- Does the most adorable and amazing snuggle by nuzzling his head up against us
- Loves playing with Coen
- Loves playing with balls, ballons, duplo, dinosaurs, cars, pushing the shopping cart, lounging
on the beanbag
-Loves hugging and hitting the dogs, we are working on teaching him to be gentle. Anytime we say be gentle he gives them a hug, it is seriously too cute.
Posted by Tammy at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: 18 months, Griffin, monthly update, personal, tammy
Friday, February 19, 2016
Theo - 3 weeks old
Posted by Tammy at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: edmonton newborn photographer, Newborn, Newborns