Well the first month of 2013 has come and gone just like that. I'm a little late posting this seeing as how it's already halfway through February, but better late than never!
So Coen's 3rd month has been exciting:
- He turned 3 months old on January 30th
- He weighs 13lbs 13oz and is 23.25 inches long
- He has now rolled from his tummy to his back a handful of times
- He slept in his crib for the very first time and is now consistently napping in it during the day
- He's less fussy in the evenings, and has started going to bed around 8-9 pm instead of 10-11pm
- He was sleeping 6-7 hours at night, until his 12 week growth spurt, that lasted what seemed like a lifetime, but was really only about 8 days. Up every 2-3 hours at night during those LONG 8 days :)
- He has discovered his hands and loves putting them in his mouth
- His 0-3 month outfits are pretty tight these days, but i'm still squeezing him into some of them
- We went for our first stroller run and first trip to the dog park with the whole family
- He is still all smiles and I can't get enough of them :)
Here's a few photos from Coen's 3rd month

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