Another month has come and gone, and I seriously can't believe that Coen is 7 months old already. It's been a fun month with my little man. As of 7 months he ...
- weighs 17lbs 10oz
- is sitting up on his own, with minimal toppling over
- is becoming a fabulous napper, but I could do without the 5am wake up time
- loves eating everything we've given him so far! He currently enjoys an assortment of yams, peas, avocados, bananas, chicken, carrots, rice cereal and oatmeal. He eats breakfast and lunch and occasionally supper depending on how our day goes.
- is a toe muncher, which I think is the cutest thing ever
- got his first tooth, and I can see the second one trying to push through
- is slowly losing his mullet
- loves the dogs, anytime either of them walks by him he lights up with a huge grin
- has started grabbing at the books when we read to him
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