June was a rainy month! Here's hoping the rest of the summer makes up for this past month.
So, as of June 30th Coen is officially 8 months old
- Now has his 2 bottom teeth
- Is now in 6-12 months clothes and size 3 diapers
- Is making dada sounds
- Rolls from back to belly in his crib all the time, this
has made for some difficult sleeps because for some reason he is unable to roll back.
- He now sleeps on his side most of the time
- Still goes to bed at 6pm, and is up for the day anywhere between 5:00am or 7:00am. Is usually up 1-2 times at night. Has a consistent 1.5hr morning nap, but fights the afternoon naps for some reason
- Finally doing some real belly laughs now
- Getting slightly mobile, can seem to move backwards and in circles when on his tummy. No crawling yet though.
- Reaches for anything and everything within reach
- Still loves the exersaucer and jolly jumper and Sophie the giraffe has become his new favorite toy
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