Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Griffin - 2 months old

I can't believe October is almost over! We have had the most amazing fall this year, and I've enjoyed spending as much time as possible outside with the boys ("the boys", I love that I get to say that now :)

So as of Oct. 20th Griffin was officially 2 months old. Although, looking at him most people guess he's 3 or 4 months old! Here's his monthly update:

He weighs 15 lbs, yes that is the 97th percentile folks
He is 23in, which is the 50th percentile
He has the sweetest smile
He loves bathtime, I think he has only cried once ever during bath time
He has (thankfully) extended his night waking from every 2-3 hours to closer to 4 hours
He is such a super chill baby, not much phases this little dude
He quickly outgrew the newborn and size 1 diapers and is now in size 2, which are getting a bit tight already.
He has been wearing 3month outfits for quite a while now

Here are a few pics from Griffin's 2nd month


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