Coen is 2 and half!
So Coen officially became a 2 and a half year old as of Apr. 30th. I figure i'll try to do a semi annual update for now, who knows how long it will last, but I find he has changed so much since he was 2.
So at 2 and a half he
- Has moved to a big boy bed (shortly after his 2nd birthday)
- Has been potty trained since 25 months with the 3 day potty training method, painful 3 days but worth it in the end.
- Has progressed with his words like crazy! Amazing what a difference in communication skills 6 months brings, seems like he has new words everyday, and he understands so much, he repeats everything we say … must be very careful!
- says picky up picky up
- still loves "Manny" and "Bobby" became his 2nd must have stuffy shortly after his 2nd bday
- sleep has become a problem area, tricky to get to bed sometimes, and up multiple times a night for some reason, not sure if he is having nightmares or what, but hopefully this is just a phase. We thought he was done napping, but I don't think he's quite ready to totally drop them yet. He's ok if he misses it once in a while though.
- needs to have a high five, fist bump, hug and kiss before going to bed, and then finish off the routine with "pillow top". For whatever reason he sleeps on his belly with Manny in 1 arm, Bobby in the other and he needs his pillow on top of his head
- has gone from terrified of swimming lessons to LOVING them. He can now doggy paddle without me holding him (with floaties on)
- is obsessed with cars, trains, and balls, he also has recently started playing with duplo
- is the best big brother I ever could have imagined, he always makes Griffin smile or laugh and for the most part is super gentle with him, the best is he has started saying "hi cutie" to him
- if Griffin is upset and I ask Coen to go make him happy he goes over and pets his head or talks to him, which almost always makes Griffin smile
- goes to daycare once a week and kids den for an hour while Griffin and I are at strollersize 3 times a week. Every morning he says mommy play with friends? Play cars? Play thomas?
- Still a pretty good eater most of the time, aba jam is his fav (Peanut butter, he can say it properly but usually says aba jam)
- Loves toopy and beanu, truck town, Harold and the purple crayon
- For some reason constantly says Mommy wake up! or Daddy wake up!
- loves Amma and Abu
- Is so adorable when he pretend plays, he particularly likes to pretend to feed us. I love hearing him playing on his own, he often has high pitched voices for his pretend interactions with his animals/cars I could listen to this all day long.
- is very aware of his clothes, whatever shirt he wears he points out to people if there is a truck on it or motorcyle, or stripes, etc. He also prefers to wear "soft pants" instead of jeans
- hates getting wet or spilling anything on himself, he immediately wants to "change" or gets a towel to wip up his spill (which I LOVE)
- is easily bribed with "gummies" or "bars" to get him to leave something fun
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