Griffin - 8 months old
Griffin is 8 months old and spring has sprung!
So as of 8 months:
- he has his 2 bottom teeth
- he can sit up unsupported (although I still keep a pillow behind him just in case)
- goes to bed around 6:30 and wakes for a feeding around 5am, then usually back to bed until 8am
- still not a big fan of naps in his crib though, and i'm sure it has something to do with us always being out and about. He seems to have a consistent morning nap in the car seat and often a late afternoon one.
- such a good eater, has yet to refuse anything we've given him
- grabs at books when we read to him
- grabs his toys and puts everything in his mouth
- found his toes and occasionaly enjoys munching on them
- wears 6-12 mo clothes and size 3 diapers
- has the biggest smiles for his brother
- has the best laughs ever and is so easy to get him to giggle, the best sound ever!
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