Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Griffin - 10 months old

I'm in denial but i'm just going to have to deal with it … my baby is 10 months old!

So as of 10 months:
- he is finally mobile! Rolls around everywhere and crawling backwards!
- loves jumping in his exersaucer
- is currently getting 6 teeth at once! Looks like a vampire as his top side ones popped through before the middles ones did. But they are coming! The top 4 and side bottoms, so he will have a total of 8 teeth once they are all through. Nobody would ever know it though, he is still the happiest most content little man.
- Continues to have a 1-2 hour morning and afternoon nap, and goes to bed 6:30- wakes around 5/5:30 but i'm pretty sure it's because Coen wakes him up
- Fabulous eater, and is thoroughly enjoying the non pureed stage. Loves feeding himself, but it's rather messy :)
- So easy to make this kid laugh, and just look at him and he smiles. :)
- Makes the best sounds, and seems to enjoy the sound of his voice
- has a good head of hair, and it's quite blonde
- makes all kinds of adorable sounds


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