Griffin is 2!
Griffin is 2!
As of 2 years old Griffin's little personality is really starting to show itself. He is one independent little guy, and prefers to do most things himself.
So here is what's new with Griffin at 2 years old:
- He has an ever expanding vocabulary, mommy, "nanny"=Daddy, recently started saying Coen and Iffin (Griffin), "motter"= Water, Milk, no, car, Abu (any grandma aged woman), good morning, hi, bye,
- He loves torturing the dogs or "gago" as he calls them and any other dog he sees. He especially loves feeding Titus cheerios
- He loves his "babies" the white and black dog and blue dinosaur and recently his little grey dog also needs to be with him.
- Has no fear, and climbs up on everything including the counter stools, tables, beds, etc.
- Loves anything to do with water, the water table, washing his hands, baths
- Gives the sweetest hugs and kisses and says "mmmmuah" when i ask for a kiss
- Has been the easiest kid to put to bed until a couple months ago when he started crying everytime he was put down. Usually only cries for a few minutes before settling, but also had a phase of only wanting his Dad to put him to bed. Goes to bed around 7pm and is up around 6:30am most days.
- He also recently has been fighting his naps, but we have figured out that he doesn't want to miss out on all the fun so if he see's Coen going into his room at the same time then he will have a good 2 hour nap. Is this bad that i'm tricking him and using his brother as my accomplis? :)
- He can point out most of his body parts
- Loves playing with his brother, cars on the track, coloring, duplo, play dough, running, playing in sand, bubbles, books, trains,
- Refuses to go in a booster or high chair and is becoming a bit more picky with food. It gets a bit tricky because he insists on feeding himself, which makes things ever so messy. Favorites right now are fruit, hamburgers, cheerios, yogurt, smoothies, yams, crackers.
So excited to watch this little man grow up, he continues to be a super chill guy for the most part, with the odd tantrum here and there, but he's 2 now so I use that as an excuse for him :) We love you so much Griffin!